Known for his energetic and physical storytelling style of comedy, Dustin is a force to be reckoned with on the club circuit today. Burning down stages from coast to coast in LA to Chicago and all the way down to Key West, this Flint Michigan native will be recording his next special and album ‘Obnoxious Behavior’ this summer at the world famous Machine Shop. Lately, he’s been touring regularly with comedy icon Bobcat Goldthwait, with the Police Academy star even going so far as calling Cole one of his favorite comedians. In recent years, he’s expanded his career as an entertainer into film as well and you’ll want to be sure to catch him in a leading role in the soon to be released indie thriller, Self Deception! Whether it’s seeing him crush at a club or watching him on the silver screen, catch Dustin Cole just once and you’ll be a fan for life 🎤